How we can help Modernise & Transform your Business Communications

If you are looking for a way to leverage the power of Microsoft Teams for your voice communications, you may have heard of Teams Direct Routing. This is a feature that allows you to connect your existing phone system or service provider to Teams, enabling you to make and receive calls from any device using the Teams app.

But what are the benefits of Teams Direct Routing? And how can you implement it in your organisation? In this post, we will answer these questions and show you how Raines Internet Solutions can help you with your Teams voice solution.

Benefits of Teams Direct Routing

Teams Direct Routing offers several advantages over other options for voice integration with Teams, such as Microsoft Calling Plans or third-party cloud PBX solutions. Some of these benefits are:

  • Cost savings: You can use your existing phone system or choose Raines Internet Solutions as your voice service provider, potentially avoiding the need to purchase new hardware or licenses. You can also choose the best rates and plans for your calling needs, without being limited by Microsoft’s offerings.
  • Flexibility: You can customise your voice solution to suit your specific requirements, such as number porting, call routing, call recording, analytics, compliance, and more. You can also integrate with other applications and services that you use, such as CRM, ERP, or contact center software.
  • Control: You have full control over your voice infrastructure and data, ensuring that you meet your security and privacy standards. You can also manage your voice solution from a single portal, simplifying administration and troubleshooting.
  • Scalability: You can easily add or remove users, numbers, or locations as your business grows or changes. You can also leverage the global reach of Microsoft’s network, ensuring high-quality and reliable voice service anywhere in the world.

How Raines Internet Solutions Can Help You

Raines Internet Solutions is a certified Microsoft partner and a leading provider of cloud and network solutions. We have extensive experience in helping customers integrate or migrate their existing phone systems into the Teams voice solution using Teams Direct Routing.

We can help you with every aspect of your Teams voice project, such as:

  • Planning and design: We will assess your current voice infrastructure and requirements, and design a customized solution that meets your goals and budget.
  • Implementation and deployment: We will install and configure the necessary components for Teams Direct Routing, such as Session Border Controllers (SBCs), SIP trunks, and PSTN gateways. We will also test and validate the solution before going live.
  • Support and maintenance: We will provide ongoing support and maintenance for your Teams voice solution, ensuring that it operates smoothly and securely. We will also monitor and optimize the performance and quality of your voice service.

If you are interested in learning more about Teams Direct Routing and how Raines Internet Solutions can help you, please contact us today. We would love to hear from you and discuss your voice needs.